
Armin van buuren intense review
Armin van buuren intense review

Desiderium is Latin for ‘desire’ (well obviously :D), but I can’t place the 207. I love unexpected opening tracks on dance albums and this is as good as it gets. As usual with her tracks it’s either hit or miss and this is a total hit in my book. Soooo… let’s see what he chose to do and press play: The alternative is to stay with the tried and trusted formula of mixing some danceable stuff with a good dose of fluffy tralala trance, which will pretty much guarantee continuation of current popularity, fame and money. You might run the risk of being completely misunderstood at first, but might prove to have made history later. When artists get this popular a new album is more than anything a chance to show the world a new direction. Crowds consisting of endless amounts of people who adore him like some God like being, worship the ground he walks on and will eat anything he serves them, no matter if it’s interesting and new or recycled for the umptieth time. Traveling the world day in day out doing the exact same live set, with the exact same tunes and the exact same moves to the exact same crowd, whether it be in California, Tokyo or Appelscha. The new Armin that is no longer a real DJ but an act, like a pop band.

armin van buuren intense review

The new Armin has emerged and he’s here to stay.

armin van buuren intense review

Unfortunately old fools like myself can cry wolf and stand on our heads all we want. Walk into any Armin gig and you will see a lost soul doing 50 Jesus poses and gay heart signs per hour to a massive crowd of people you have never seen before, who think that and endless stream of completely unoriginal and generic deggadegga crap makes for the perfect trance gig and that the 27th mashup with ‘In and out of love’ at the end is the best tune ever conceived by mankind. After reaching the number 1 spot in the DJ Mag competition in late 2007 he obviously smelled the big money and like Tiesto and Guetta did before him he decided to branch out to the immensely huge amount of people populating the area between the real underground dancefloors and the pop charts, leaving his long term fans in complete confusion.Ī strategy that obviously worked out fine in terms of his bank account, but also at times made him the laughing stock of an ever increasing part of his former loyal crowd. In retrospect Armin’s 2008 album Imagine clearly marked a turning point in his career.

Armin van buuren intense review